We’re big Teams users here at DigitalTrends - it’s our go-to meeting tool - and we’ve come across a few issues ourselves over the years. None of the above solutions fixed your problem?.Bug: Teams audio doesn’t work with Android Auto.Problem: I can’t view the full thread I searched for.Problem: Microsoft Teams asks ‘Are you still there?’.Error message: ‘You’re missing out!’ when signing into Teams.Problem: Microsoft Teams keeps on freezing or shutting down.Error message: ‘We weren’t able to connect.Bug: Unable to send a message in Skype for Business.Problem: Notifications are not being delivered to your desktop.Error message: Teams won’t allow you to log in to the service.Problem: Can’t access a Microsoft Teams OneNote notebook.Problem: Teams is stuck in a login loop in Microsoft Edge.Problem: Unable to establish a connection to Microsoft Teams.Problem: Removed user shows as ‘Unknown User’ in Teams.

Problem: You are unable to create a new team in Microsoft Teams.Problem: Microphone or webcam refuses to work correctly.Bug: Teams only shows older messages and threads.How to check if Microsoft Teams is down.